Jan 31, 2010

Microdermal Piercing - a new body modification trend


Move aside, body surface piercings; here is a new permanent body piercing that have very low chances of rejecting from your body and leaving an unwanted scar.

Brian Decker from Pure Body Arts says, "The idea is to give the aesthetic look of a transdermal implant but with the simplicity and safety of a piercing."

Also known as a microdermal or surface anchor, this body modification can be placed practically anywhere on the surface of your body with skin using the techniques in pocketing, dermal anchoring and transdermal implants.

A miniaturised transdermal implant (a flat plate which sits beneath the skin with a single exit for a barbell post giving the visual effect of jewellery like a bead or a spike) that gives the impression that it has been screwed right into the body, that, is microdermal piercing.

This is how a general microdermal jewellery design looks like:

Source: bmezine

This piece of jewellery comes in a number of designs that are manufactured currently, however, despite some little differences, they still have the same basic design elements. Just like transdermal implants, the flat plate of the jewellery that sits beneath the skin has about three holes in it to allow the skin tissue to grow through, hence anchoring the jewellery in place and reduce the chances of it ever getting rejected.

To minimise a few long term risks, this piece of jewellery is best made of titanium instead of any kind of steel. This specialised jewellery of course, requires advanced manchining facilities or titanium casting access.

So exactly, how does this body modification take place? Basically, it doesn't need any special tools and in fact, is minimally invasive compared to an implant procedure. But this technique does require a pair of steady and experienced hands.

Here is a graphic of how the procedure goes for easier understanding:

This is a typical microdermal insertion:

1. The entry/exit point is made with a needle or dermal punch

2. The microdermal jewellery is then inserted into the hole and used a pocket that is needed.

3. The piece of jewellery is then coerced into the correct placement.

Microdermal techniques, despite how 'different and painful it sounds' is actually not as painful as a regular surface piercing, and does not require any anaesthetics as it is rather bearable.

Despite this body piercing being rather new, a large number of microdermals (of various designs) was successfully inserted and healed. A mere 2% of rejection rate was estimated so far. Different piercers give different aftercare advise, however, they will always advise to keep the area clean, dry and free of irritants.

The healing period is 1 - 3 months.

Here are some risks related to microdermals:

1. Inward Travelling Infection

2. Deep Microdermal Placement

3. Rejection

4. Keloids

5. Hypertrophic Scarring

6. Bruising (usually temporary)

7. Implant Rejection

This kind of new body modification is rather similar to Dermal Anchoring and Transdermal Implant.


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